Release Date: 7 April 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: Reza Rahadian, Agus Kuncoro, Revalina S. Temat, Endhita, Rio Dewanto, Hengky Sulaeman
Quality: DVDRip
Subtitle: English (muxed : you can turn em off)
The story of film revolves around a family who lived in an old area of town in Central Javawhen they hear an accent that is used. Kat Tan Sun (Henky Solaiman), adherents ofConfucianism / Buddhism and the Chinese restaurant owner who has been ill, very conscious of the environment, to how to cook and kitchen utensils in a sharp split betweenthe halal and haram. He was troubled by his son, Hen aka Ping Hendra (Rio Dewanto),which has its own vision of the business.
Salah (Reza Rahadian), Islam and unemployment are diligent to practice, always anxiousto be the situation himself, while his wife, Menuk (Revalina Temat S), which covered workin a restaurant Kat Tan Sun. Menuk practically became a pillar of the family, appearing as a model wife.
Rika (Endhita) continued the family business: a bookstore. On his own, he learned theCatholic faith and wanted to be baptized, while encouraging his son to deepen the Islamicreligion in the local mosque. He is also friends with Surya (Agus Kuncoro), who dreams of becoming a great actor, but fate still had the opportunity of small roles. So no money, he was staying in the mosque.
The story has revolved around issues of individual households and individuals before, toldthe social problems of society: ethnic hatred / religion, religious radicalism in the form ofthe stabbing incident at the church pastor and bombs, destruction of the restaurant, as well as efforts to overcome them.
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